
Tuesday, 12 December 2017

why do computers crash

for reading i have been learning bout  Why do computers crash

well there is alot of reasons why computers crash so lets find out???

Friday, 8 December 2017

all sorts of things part 2.....

this is kind of like my all sorts of thing part 1 slide but this one has diffrent things on it

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Thursday, 17 August 2017

my new and old writing


this is my writing from ages ago when i was at my old school this is one of my worst writing i have made 😁😁😃😃.

here is my recent piece  of writing that i have done

Friday, 4 August 2017

 prototec basic facts ased it lol

Wednesday, 31 May 2017

flexible thinking

this week we were learning about flexible thinking

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Friday, 26 May 2017

last week we did winter sport i did football it was close tie 6/1 hornby got six scores we got 1 but this week we are going to beat the team we are vsing

Thursday, 18 May 2017

we read a book about the day the crayons Quit and we had to copy it and turn it into our own words on our chromebook

Dear Dylan
I know you love me because you use me every day when you come home from school.

I get turned on and off every day of every hour. You play too many violent games and you don't do anything. If I fell off the shelf , you would  just pick me up and say who cares. I get tired of it give me a break.

The day you took me to you friends house I got treated like trash. You throw me around and hit me and the day I got smashed I lost you forever.

I was the third ever invented .and then the 4th came along what is so great about the 4th anyway. You ditched me for the ps4.  I was so sad when you ditched me thanks for listening friend Your old friend PS3.File:PS3-slim-console.png - Wikipedia

Dear PS3

Sorry for treating you like trash it is just you get annoying sometimes like when you do not work and not turn on and off  all the time. I  promise I will use you always and not the ps4
1Your best friend Dylan.

It is not that i do not like you it is that PS4 has way more graphics.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

this my slide of maths we are learning We are learning to: Add tens and ones.